Pickett, Kelm & Associates, Inc.

Consulting Structural Engineers

Pickett, Kelm & Associates, Inc.

4100 Duval Road, Building 4, Suite 103

Austin, Texas 78759-4277

Tel. (512) 345-5538  Fax (512) 345-4305

Educational Facilities

PKA has provided structural engineering for public and private school facilities throughout central Texas.  We have particular expertise in the design and detailing of tilt-up concrete wall systems, including insulated tilt-up wall panels.  PKA has helped pioneer the use of exterior insulated and interior uninsulated tilt-up in the construction of central Texas schools.  Panel finishes have included cast-in thin brick, adhered masonry, brick and masonry veneer, exposed architectural concrete, liners, stains and textured paint.  Since 2005, PKA has designed and detailed over 4,900 tilt-up panels for school and related facilities.

PKA’s services include tilt-up panel design, preparation of panel elevation drawings and panel lifting and bracing design.

Representative public school projects include:

Representative private and charter school facilities include: